Have an Ace in the Hole!
Why you should turn to volunteering as a plan for what you might do after retirement.
Why you should turn to volunteering as a plan for what you might do after retirement.
Skills that are developed while volunteering for the nonprofit of your choice easily translate to the workplace.
We’ve all said at some point we wish that we had more time in the day. Chances are we would put more on our plate and complain about the same issue. Time is a commodity. Everyone has 24 hours in a day-how you spend them makes the difference. Invest some of my spare time workingRead… Read more »
Though government workers serve every day, September 11 is a special reason to give back to the community in a whole new way. The 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance is a way to pay tribute to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and honor the remarkable community response that followed. Through the 9/11 Day of Service, AmericansRead… Read more »
AmeriCorps, one of the national service programs under the Corporation for National and Community Service, is what I (and others) like to call “the domestic Peace Corps.” AmeriCorps is volunteering and making a difference right here in America – in your hometown, in your neighborhood, with the people and organizations in your communities who areRead… Read more »
“Be servants of peace. Weep with those who are sorrowful, rejoice with those who are joyful, teach those who are ignorant. Care for those who are sick. Serve your families. Serve your neighbors. Serve your cities. Serve the poor. Join others who serve. Serve, serve, serve! That’s the challenge. For in the end, it willRead… Read more »
What I also discovered is that there are people willing to get out of their comfort zones to help other families out. It really does not take much to make a difference in someone else’s life, it just takes a willingness and the go ahead effort to do something about it.
I know, I know. That “many hands make light work” expression is nothing new. We’ve all heard it before, although, I typically prefer a different variation: “teamwork makes the dream work”. I’ve always accepted it to be true, but I have never seen it on quite the scale that I witnessed at Arlington National CemeteryRead… Read more »
Just hours after the Joplin tornado tore through Joplin, Missouri, an experienced team of Americorps and Senior Corps arrived in the devastated town and began relief efforts. Within three days, the Americorps and Senior Corps team had reached 200; by one month: 300. These members were crucial in directing and managing the 60,000 volunteers thatRead… Read more »
Last Saturday I was in my local coffee shop, sitting with friends and discussing how we can solve all the world’s problems as we do every Saturday, when the topic of volunteering and giving came up. Alot of my friend’s are in motorcycle clubs who put on rides to support large agencies/groups such as St.Read… Read more »