Posts Tagged: Web

Will social media deliver on enterprise collaboration in 2010?

As the end-year reviews and new-year predictions and resolutions arrive in my inbox, I have been thinking about what has been the biggest impact or change in the collaboration arena. The biggest change I find is that the differentiation between social media software and collaboration applications has almost disappeared from the positioning messages. Traditional CollaborationRead… Read more »

Why Web Accessibility is More Than a Legal Obligation

This is a crosspost of Author: Glenda Watson Hyatt Utter the phrase “web accessibility” to a group of web designers and watch eyes immediately glaze over. Thoughts rapidly surface of how alt attributes, relative font sizes, audio transcripts and other technical requirements impede their creativity and add to their workload. However, the thoughts thatRead… Read more »

My eGov Santa Wish #4: It’s the Local Government, Stupid!

This is a crosspost of Dear Santa, I’ve saved the best wish for last: Santa and his Reindeer (Max, 1 year – inspired by Picasso) But before I go more into detail, I want to let you know that, despite the title of this article, I am very excited about all things that areRead… Read more »

My E-Government Wish List for Santa – Wish #1

This is a cross-post of: Dear Santa, This year, I‘m not asking for a new iPhone, a Spy Camera Video Watch or an Electrical Car (a real one!). Santa Art by Isabelle (6 years) This year, I’m asking for a better e-Government. The Obama administration has already made a huge progression with the OpenRead… Read more »

Now PR & Social Commerce.

Are you getting the buzz on the street real-time from Social Context? I propose to my fellow GovLoopers, PR professionals and academia a need to examine and discuss the gap between our traditional media, journalism and public communication training and practices with an opportunity to strategically plan for the concept of Nowism or better yetRead… Read more »

How-To: Edit,, and even

Yes, that’s right folks…you too can edit these websites right now, live, and change the page however you see fit! Has the Government wikied out? Wait, you don’t see what I see (click the image to the right) I actually DID edit the site. No, I didn’t hack it either. I used a simple,Read… Read more »

Vote @Astro_Mike: Tweet of the Year!

Vote for Twitternaut @Astro_Mike Massimino’s first tweet from space for “Tweet of the Year” in Mashable’s Open Web Awards Social Media Edition. You can vote once a day through December 13th. Find out more about NASA’s first Massimillionaire. Let your vote send this message: When we tweet from space, everyone listens.

Why Twitter? Why Now? Why Not?

NASA hosted our first tweet-up at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, corresponding with the STS-129 Space Shuttle launch. Tweeters from around the world attended — from as far away as the UK, Morocco, and New Zealand. We exposed them to speakers who shared their experiences on what it takes to launch a Shuttle toRead… Read more »