Posts Tagged: Web

Increasing Competition Means Raising the Bar on Value

From The Acquisition Corner As part of the Obama Administration’s call for reform of the federal acquisition process, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued a second set of memos with guidance on increasing competition for better outcomes. These memos are a continuation of original OMB guidance released in July, which outlined waysRead… Read more »

Tips To Choose The Web Application Security Testing Tool

With vital data being transmitted and stored in web applications, there is a dire need for explicit security testing. Apart from maintaining the privacy of important data, security testing also involves tackling authorization and authentication issues. As a tester, it is the most exciting form of testing. There are many interesting tools and techniques toRead… Read more »

Just let them know what is happening…

Early last year we had a significant snow storm that caused many avalanches in places along I-90 in central Washington that hadn’t seen avalanches before. One of these avalanches took out a popular Web camera. Immediately after the camera was taken offline by an avalanche negative feedback started coming in as users of our siteRead… Read more »

The point of 2.0 isn’t ROI, or is it?

There is a lot’s of discussion going around about Web 2.0 return on investment. On the Gov 2.0 side, Citizen’s Tools’ A better question than what’s the business case for Gov2.0…makes a simple, but powerful statement about making the business case “tell us about your agency’s relationships, and the case will become obvious.” He thenRead… Read more »

What is Enterprise 2.0 – Amended

Previously posted at Enterprise 2.0 is the concept of working smarter, not harder in a more transparent work environment, independent of location, computer, or one person doing a specific job. It is a methodology of doing better business and it is one of our Core Competencies at Navstar. Navstar has the leading experts inRead… Read more »

Inclusion – a brand value to be proud of

The rapid growth, availability and promotion of Web 2.0 services is making organisations in both the public and private sectors rethink their internal and external communication strategies, both on and offline. Any discussions with peers and colleagues will quickly reveal that broadcast only communications are no longer acceptable. When organisations first became bold enough toRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned From Rapid Acquisition of the MRAP

From The Acquisition Corner There has been some discussion recently on a case study of shortening the procurement cycle from the lessons learned of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. The MRAP is an armored all-terrain vehicle whose purchase and desire for rapid deployment was motivated by the continuing deaths of troops in IraqRead… Read more » Contest ends Wednesday! Re-branding web urls for Gov’t agencies

Al Kamen, Washington Post “In the Loop” columnist, is running a fun and thought-provoking Gov 2.0 contest via his WaPo column. He’s asking readers to submit memorable, succinct, humorous-yet-accurate alternate web urls for Gov’t agencies, such as for the CIA. Here are Al’s comments and instructions: What-Dot-Gov? Don’t forget to enter the Loop rebrandingRead… Read more »