Posts Tagged: Web

Building a business case to move from IE6 to a modern web browser

Republished from eGov AU. Here’s some notes useful for a business case justifying an upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 to a more modern web browser that I prepared last week for a colleague at another organisation. It supports the priority in Australia 2 to Upgrade all government web browsers. Please add to them in theRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Changing Role of Government (from

I was interviewed by an interesting website called OurBlook this week. I’m sharing the text of the interview with GovLoopers as I’d welcome any feedback or comments on my perspective. I always find these questions on trends, etc. to be difficult and open to a lot of interpretation. Lately, I’ve been more concerned with tacticalRead… Read more »

Redoing a website in 6 weeks… NEED your input!

Hi guys – I’ve been away for a while due to a new little project I’ve immersed myself in… while we have kept putting off the need to redo our website as we focused on delivering really challenging projects for the past few years (Abu Dhabi permits portal, Houston migrated off a mainframe in 90Read… Read more »

Help revise federal policy about agencies using cookies

If you’re in the web world, you’re probably familiar with cookies – those small files sites drop on your computer for various purposes. They can create privacy problems, so persistent cookies have been effectively banned for 9 years. But persistent cookies can also allow us to create excellent customer service and personalization. Now the ObamaRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #9 – Design Can Make a Big Difference #OGI

here`s the next principle from the practical guide to gov 2.0 – Principle #9 – Design Can Make a Big Difference While in theory, this principle may seem like a no-brainer, it is important when it comes to government 2.0 to keep in mind that small design changes can make a big difference. Taking theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #7 – Keep Users Connected #OGI

Here’s principle #7 from the practical guide to Gov 2.0 – Keep Users Connected Social and web 2.0 approaches rely on continual participation. Continual personalized hooks and calls to action keep people coming back and keep people addicted. The trick is to let the application do the work. Think of the emails that you mayRead… Read more »

Australian Federal Government Announces IT Innovation Council

Today the Hon Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, annouced the 24 members of the new IT Innovation Council. -quote from media release- “IT will be the principal means to deliver the economic and productivity growth needed to drive innovation across the entire economy,“ Senator Carr said. “IT is critical to Australia’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #4 – Measurement Matters #OGI

Principle #4, from the practical guide to gov 2.0, is Measurement Matters To truly ensure the success of your government 2.0 initiatives, metrics need to be clearly defined and measured on an ongoing basis. Metrics are central to being able to plan and strategize efforts and activities in a project. This enables users and communityRead… Read more »