Posts Tagged: Web

US Army Allows Social Media for Troops

A new article on Wired reveals the Army’s policy reversal concerning social media. Army Orders Bases to Stop Blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr Further information about how the Army is moving into the virtual world can be found on the offical website, here. I was somewhat surprised to see a military branch adopting social media/web 2.0Read… Read more »

If it Matters, Measure It (and share the metrics!)

This blog entry originally appeared at Reach The Public. One of my first mentors who ran a region of what was then called Ameritech (a baby bell in the midwest), had a saying, “If you value it, measure it.” The larger the organization, the more this holds true. In government, tracking results and sharing resultsRead… Read more »

How to design for .gov

Like this … Sample Twitter reaction ‘IT ROCKS!’ I am reminded of the Mac o/s interface though :] (which, woods’n’trees, apparently hadn’t crossed their minds). Immediately appealing, the just redesigned site has very strong usability – this was the central aim of the redesign. Behind the scenes it makes use of – I thinkRead… Read more »

Here’s Your Chance to Shine: Government 2.0 Expo and Showcase

Have you done something to help usher in the era of Government 2.0 and want to show it off? Have you changed the culture of your organization from one that hoards information to one that openly shares and collaborates with each other? Are you tired of toiling in obscurity while you see the same storiesRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 as a Means to $AVE

I just read an article on a new study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide which indicates that employers are looking to get the most out of their HR technology — shocking considering this economy, eh? So what did the survey say about utilizing social networking to communicate internally and making the investment now with the gaolRead… Read more »

Semantic Technology Solutions for Gov 2.0: Citizen-Friendly and with Transparency, Opennes, and Collaboration

The Obama administration has set the goal of achieving and unprecedented level of openness, participation, transparency, and collaboration in government. This applies especially to the accessibility of government information and the tracking of stimulus expenditures. This presentation discusses ways that cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies can be used to deliver citizen-friendlyRead… Read more »

GPO has a new site design!

On Monday, May 4, 2004 GPO launched the new site design that incorporates a more transparent look and feel, with added web 2.0 elements! Government officials and customers alike agree that this site is simply amazing! “This totally brings us forward with the technological advances we’ve made as an agency,” says one happy employee. TheRead… Read more »

Lessons from a Webby-Winning Web Site

Note: I originally published on my blog but I thought this had a lot of relevance for government web sites. My point is that effective web design does not have to be complicated. In fact, by choosing simplicity you’re making it easier for readers to get the information they need. I was excited to learnRead… Read more »