Posts Tagged: Web

Govloop – great resource for a northern neighbour

Hi folks, First, congratulations on Govloop! This is an excellent resource and I was thrilled that it was truly open to the government community at large. I serve as a Deputy Director of eCommunications at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and have had the pleasure of meeting several US counterparts andRead… Read more »

Cartesian Dualism and the Problem of Social Networks

I was reading this morning’s Washington Post about the difficulty Organizing for America, “the 13 million-strong grass-roots network built during (the Obama) presidential campaign” was having in having a legislative impact. It brought to mind the similar network of that didn’t come through for 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary contender Howard Dean and it also broughtRead… Read more »

2.0 Opportunity Framework – A Model for Consultants

The following is a rough sketch of a framework I began developing months back attempting to explain and rationalize the different types of opportunities available to a consultant or consultancy in the “2.0” space. I thought I might subject it GovLoop’s collective critique both her and on my blog in the hopes of starting someRead… Read more »

The Future of e-Gov: Connected e-Governance

Mills Davis‘ Semantic Technologies session presentation, at today’s Gov 2.0 Unconference, is compelling, to say the least. It illustrates where the web is going, with respect to e-Gov and Web 3.0 (and onwards). Fasten your seat belts, folks. What is the role of cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies in the comingRead… Read more »

UK Local Gov Engagement Online Doctoral Researcher ( will be in NYC and DC in April

Dear all, I currently run the Local Government Engagement Online Research Blog in the UK, which is visited by government officials from all around the world everyday. I have been compiling alot of data on which local councils are using social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube) to engage with citizens online. I alsoRead… Read more »

Fundamental questions on government participation

I’ve been a political activist most of my life; researching the interaction between the Internet and social policy for a couple decades since I entered the computer field. So I’ve been trying to look beyond immediate tactical problems for fundamental dilemmas and decisions gov workers have to make. I’d love to get comments on thisRead… Read more »

I Hear America Singing — Walt Whitman at the Karaoke Café

Every couple of years America’s diplomats overseas are expected to come back to the U.S. for at least one month on “home leave” “to ensure that employees who live abroad for an extended period undergo reorientation and re-exposure in the United States on a regular basis.” During my home leave last summer I visited familyRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 – Meet the new Hype, same as the old Hype

Judas? Not quite Lest I be confused with non-web 2.0 enthusiast or, worse, proclaimed contrarian to the very type of forum where I’m contributing by this writing, let me offer a blatant caveat right up front here: I’m a web 2.0 advocate and believer, a regular social computing junkie, and generally optimistic guy. I useRead… Read more »

Seeking Suggestions on Bay Area Social Media/Government Policy Detail

I’m an enthusiastic US Enviornmental Protection Agency’s San Francisco Office and have recently been diving into Government/Web 2.0. I’m interested in suggestions GovLoopers have on Web 2.0/Government Policy non-profit or academic organizations or active government agencies using Web 2.0 in the Bay Area. I’m researching Bay Area groups because I’m in a Leadership Development ProgramRead… Read more »

Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom

Here’s a cool video, based on the fascinating book of the same title, that explains how organizations are starting to embrace Web 2.0 as a means of enhancing performance and delivering bottom-line returns. The battle is essentially one between horizontal networks and vertical institutions. Social networking is antithetical to traditional hierarchical power structures and thereRead… Read more »