Posts Tagged: Web

What are your Social Media Resolutions for 2009?

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” The Internet is filled with end of year reviews, highlight articles, and wrap-ups. Predictions for what will and won’t happen in 2009 are also a popular topic for bloggers this time of year. There’s plenty of nostalgia and speculation out there already – IRead… Read more »

Who’s Leading the Charge to Web 2.0?

Today I read a recently released white paper, Government 2.0: Building Communities with Web 2.0 and Social Networking. Overall, I thought the paper did a good job summarizing much of the ongoing, online discussions and research on this topic. However, I sensed an underlying attitude that concerned me as a government employee. This unspoken, read-between-the-linesRead… Read more »

Propagating Citizen 2.0 – The intent of my blog is to increase the acceptance and practice of Web 2.0 concepts in governance. I believe in a basic libertarian ideal of self-determination, but also in a strong central government to provide security and a baseline standard of living and health. Underpinning my political philosophy is a raging populistRead… Read more »

Creating Public Value through User-Generated Applications

With the success of the Obama campaign, governments are finally starting to talk about web 2.0 and how it can be used to improve services. In a recent essay, Bill Schrier, the Chief Technology Officer for the City of Seattle, presents ways in which government can use web 2.0 to create a better community andRead… Read more »

Facebook (GovLoop, too) is for Everyone; Twitter is Not

from After using Facebook and Twitter at high volume for a few months, I’m ready to say it: one has universal appeal, the other most decidedly does not. I like both, but I have to take a strong position against folks who think everyone should be on Twitter. Everyone should not be on Twitter.Read… Read more »

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper of Federal Web Managers Council

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper* developed by the Federal Web Managers Council, comprised of Cabinet agency Web Directors. The paper suggests (i) Establish Web Communications as a core government business function, (ii) Help the public complete common government tasks efficiently, (iii) Clean up theRead… Read more »

Social Media Day, a learning experience

Overall, I believe the Technology Services’ (NIST) Social Media Day was a success. Dr. Jean-Claude Bradley shared his experience with creating and using Open Notebook Science that will hopefully inspire some of our scientists to see the value in web 2.0 tools to help them with their work. And his work with solubility may becomeRead… Read more »