Posts Tagged: Web

Getting Started

I am currently working on an initiative to bring web 2.0 technologies into the county that I work for. I admit that I have not been a user of much of this technology, mostly because of time I think, however I have started reading about and using this type of technology to get started withRead… Read more »

Trust and Transparency through Standards a look at the external business world

By necessity most business activities at the process level have been remote and opaque from both the customers, and all too often, from those involved too. I use the phrase necessity to cover two very different aspects; commercial advantage, the benefit obtained from having and applying unique knowledge; as distinct from the operational limitations imposedRead… Read more »

Bridges 2.0: how applying Web 2.0 tools — and attitudes — to public works can cut costs and contribute to economic recovery

I had an op-ed in Engineering News Record, the “bible” of the engineering and construction industry, this week, dealing with what I call “Bridges 2.O,” how using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis and structured data feeds, and, equally important, the Web 2.0 ethos of collaboration, can revolutionize public works projects. As I point out,Read… Read more »

FACA 2.0: Social MEdia and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Art of the Possible

I’m the Executive Secretary of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC). FACA is a fabulous idea, with the goal of keeping the public aware of what’s going on in their governemnt, but the rules are antiquated and mired in bureaucratic. The bottom line is that it’s not nimble enough to deal with the rapidRead… Read more »

YGL – Web 2.0 as an enabler in Federal Government

Web 2.0: What is it? Who’s using it? How to introduce it in your organization? What to expect from a new national administration in 2009? On October 22, 2008, these questions and more were answered at the Web 2.0 event sponsored by Young Government Leaders (YGL), in coordination with our partners at the National AcademyRead… Read more »

Government Best Practices in Second Life

Hello Govloop members, I recently wrote a news story that I thought you would be interested in. Bill Greeves, the IT director of Roanoke County, Va., recently talked to Government Technology magazine about a new group he co-founded called MuniGov2.0 It focuses on best practices of Web 2.0, and the group holds weekly meetings inRead… Read more »

A soft Twitter launch for the County…

… and waiting for the other shoe to drop! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do this by myself. We have a Web 2.0 working group comprised of representatives from the Library, Parks & Rec, Economic Development, Public Information, the IT Director, and the County’s CIO. We’re wrangling on how to best use these informationRead… Read more »