Posts Tagged: Web

Federal News Radio interview on Radon Video Contest

Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris interviewed Tom Kelly, my boss, and me today on their show Daily Debrief. Check it out: Thanks Chris and Amy, as well as Steve and everyone on GovLoop who has helped promote the contest. I promise to do a follow-up blog entry soon. The winning video is on EPA’sRead… Read more »

And the winner is…

In July EPA asked for 30-60 second video submissions with the theme “Radon: Test, Fix, Save a Life” which encourage Americans to test and fix their homes for radon, and we received more than 30 entries. We are pleased to announce the winning entry in the Radon Video Contest is “Eddie’s Story” submitted by BenjaminRead… Read more » Goes Web 2.0

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. The Government’s web community is going “web 2.0” with a focus on increased collaboration amongst its members with the new implementation of the Web Content Managers Forum over at I spokeRead… Read more »

NYT Op-Ed: To Change Washington, Move Out

Today’s Daily Pipeline by the Partnership for Public Service shares a fascinating Op-Ed from Mark Everson in the New York Times. The long and short of the article is that true change would come to Washington only if people actually left the city. With government being centralized in Washington, it creates a serious risk forRead… Read more »

MuniGov 2.0 is Launched

A few weeks ago, I was introduced to Greever Wemyss (Second Life name) by a mutual friend who realized we both have an interest in local government and its use of Web 2.0 and virtual worlds. After a few discussions, we decided that we would create a Second Life group that is specifically focused onRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and The Rise of Informal Networks

Recently I wrote this post that was featured on the Wikinomics blog. I thought I would share it and cross post it here as well. ——————————————- It’s official – Gov 2.0 is here to stay. From nGenera’s Gov 2.0: Wikinomics, Government and Democracy, project, NAPA’s Collaboration Project, and Mashable’s recent Gov 2.0 column, a lotRead… Read more »

The Building Industry Meets Web 2.0 at Be2Camp

How can the building industry use Web 2.0 tools to enhance delivery of services and better integrate new concepts like sustainability? These are some of the questions and issues that will be discussed at the upcoming barcamp, Be2Camp, to be held at The Building Centre on Store Street in London on Oct. 10, 2008. ThisRead… Read more »

Unlikely Allies: Flickr and the Library of Congress

Last week, I posted a story on my blog about the Library of Congress and it’s partnership with Flickr to create something called “The Commons.” Take a look for yourself! Here’s a sample photo: Here’s the blog entry: Check out this article in USA Today regarding the Library of Congress and its use of Flickr,Read… Read more »