Posts Tagged: Web

The Best Sequester “Grand Bargain”: National Historic Landmarks Photo Calendar 50% Off

With all the Federal Government bashing going on in the press and social media, it’s a good time to remember all the valuable things the Government does for its citizens. One of the best and most widely valued of these is caring for our national parks. Every year the National Park Service holds a photoRead… Read more »

2013 Technology Innovation Predictions – What’s Yours?

1) Virtual engagements will become the norm – Immersive Virtual Environments (IVR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Digital Web-based Platforms (DWbP) will take off like a rocket this year. Immersive Virtual Environments (IVR) – all virtual and/or hybrid (both in-person and online happening simultaneously) instances will likely start out hot this year in the events domain.Read… Read more »

A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance at the National Press Club on February 21st

Deque Systems is hosting a free seminar titled “A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance: How the VA is deploying the largest section 508 program in government” at the National Press Club on February 21st. This seminar will present the inside story of how the VA is deploying the largest Section 508 Compliance programRead… Read more »

The Value of Visual in Digital

If 2012 digital experiences could be summed up in one word, it would be this: visual. Pinterest—a platform that allows users to pin images onto collage boards—set the pace for social media channel growth with a four-digit increase in unique visitors in 2012. Despite the backlash from users over Instagram’s proposed change in terms ofRead… Read more »

Mobile Society and Responsive Design

Mary Meeker, general partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and known as the “Queen of the Net,” produces reports on internet trends, each one shedding a great deal of light on online behaviors. One of the resounding truths evident throughout her 88-slide presentation is that not only is digital use in everyday lives increasing,Read… Read more »

Requesting help to create really useful events for local government web managers & digital teams

Happy New Year everybody! Hope you’ve had a lovely holiday and looking forward to the new 2013. We accomplished and overcome many things in 2012. We survived the end of the world, celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee, hosted the London Olympics and (most importantly) GOV.UK was launched! It’s been a good year – Express Yourself! ItsRead… Read more »

Groom Your Successors

I’m often asked, “Do you know someone we could hire for our web team?” Of course, they want the full package – someone skilled in plain writing, customer analysis, strategic planning, usability, search engine optimization, design, social media, mobile apps, marketing…oh, and can they code? Do these super beings exist? Yes – they are you!Read… Read more »

Key Features of Cross-Agency Collaboration Mechanisms

How do you organize a cross-agency collaborative effort to get results no single agency could accomplish on its own? The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has developed an inventory of “mechanisms that the federal government uses to lead and implement interagency collaboration,” along with a self-assessment checklist to consider when using them. GAO’s latest study onRead… Read more »