Posts Tagged: website

Determining the Type of Website Best Suited for Non-profits

Most industries (i.e. legal, medical, finance, etc.) prefer their content management solution be customized to meet their specific needs. Non-profit organizations prefer that their solution be customized as well but they face a difficult hurdle: funding. A non-profit organization’s yearly budget lies solely on the generosity of donors and grants that are awarded by statesRead… Read more »

Great resources for government websites best practices

I am working on a project of revamping our Court’s public website and we are making every attempt to ensure we do it right this time. We are soliciting feedback from our audiences and are doing a lot of research on best practices. I recently found a great government site which outlines many of theRead… Read more »

Creating a hub for your city – Where are people going to find your information

Cities often face difficulties when determining which outlets they will utilize to broadcast information. Ideally, a city’s information would be broadcast directly from one spot – or “hub” to the source. In most cases, however, cities maintain several entities on the Web such as social networking sites and blogs. Cities must execute a successful strategyRead… Read more »

Lessons learnt from local council website redesign by Kevin Brewer from Derby City Council

Last year, I started a group exclusively for local govvies on Huddle called LocalGovWebStars with some help from a good local gov buddy of mine, Ken Eastwood (Assistant Director at Barnsley MBC and founder of to talk about website redesign projects in local gov. The group resulted in some very interesting discussions and tips.Read… Read more »

Reshaping public services online by getting the basics right

Frustration There is nothing more frustrating than being in government right now if you are looking for change or motivation in your work. With almost no funding available, fewer colleagues to carry the burden, feeling of loss and uncertainty, we are facing an all time low. Everyone knows that with fewer resources, it makes itRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: A Tailor-made Website

Every so often, Recruitment 411 will feature a guest blogger. Today’s guest blogger is Shawn, who manages the IRS Careers website. We designed the IRS Careers website so visitors can easily find information about IRS jobs. The site includes four focus areas: pre-college, current students & recent grads, and experienced professionals, as well as peopleRead… Read more »

How a Great Web Design Can Make People Love Your City

The basis for a majority of city websites is to disburse information to citizens in a timely matter. Though information distribution is the foundation behind implementing a city website, the design can in some cases, have as much impact as the information itself. In Robert Brunner’s book Do You Matter? How Great Design Will MakeRead… Read more »

Mother Nature Also Wreaks Havoc On The Federal Government’s Website

Did you try and access the National Weather Service’s website lately? Evidently it has been reported that it crased due to extra visitors this week, as visitors to the site are five times higher than average. The Washington Post, and CBS have reported problems with the website recently. However, on an average day,’sRead… Read more »

Keys to Success with Government Video

From the Granicus Blog Last week’s webinar, Top 5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic with Video, attracted over 60 government agencies across the U.S. and Canada. While video becomes a powerful tool for transparency and accountability, government staff members across all different departments are still trying to find ways to use it effectively—to not onlyRead… Read more »