Facebook Comes to the White House
The President’s efforts to push forward technology excellence and to make the Federal Government competitive… David Recordon from Facebook
The President’s efforts to push forward technology excellence and to make the Federal Government competitive… David Recordon from Facebook
Check out this post by Jason Goldman. Starting April 6th, his new job in the White House will be “to help create more meaningful online engagement between government and American citizens.” The core question from Jason: Here’s what I would love. I would love for you to answer this question: How can we — our government andRead… Read more »
If you missed President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address or just want to relive the highlights, these GIFs show the moments that government workers—and the nation—got either giddy or giggly about. 1. The ultimate comeback It was the mic drop moment that caused a social media sensation. When some of the crowd cheered after Obama said, “IRead… Read more »
If you’d prefer the 2015 State of the Union to be a surprise, stop reading now because there’s spoilers ahead.
Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. Recently posted on GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: The stories you may have missed during the holidays Taking the Buzz Out of Innovation with Nesta’s Philip Colligan Meet GovProp – building a marketRead… Read more »
Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. Who will be the new federal chief information officer? It has been something of a parlor game for months, ever since Steve VanRoekel announced he was stepping down from thatRead… Read more »
This guest post was written by Dan Chenok, executive director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government. This week, John Kamensky and I were privileged to attend the meeting of Senior Executives at the Washington Hilton, at which President Obama spoke as well as several agency heads. The event helped to frame whyRead… Read more »
That’s me pictured above with my parents and Bill Clinton in the Oval Office. It was a Saturday morning about 20 years ago following a Presidential radio address. The “Blue Pass” I’m wearing allowed me unfettered access to the West Wing, including the White House Briefing Room where I assisted dozens of reporters. This isRead… Read more »
Stephen Lurie raises a provocative question about a high profile government internship program in his recent Washington Post opinion piece. With all the emphasis President Obama has given to a fair minimum wage, wage equality, and access to overtime pay, is it a bit surprising that a group of workers very close to the presidentRead… Read more »
Small children have big dreams. As a kid I wanted to be everything from a NASA astronaut to a Major League baseball star. Yet as most people age and mature their dreams tend to evaporate and morph into something more practical and attainable. But impractical does not mean impossible. That is, if you’re really willingRead… Read more »