Posts Tagged: white house

White House Affirms its Commitment to Digital Government

Improving citizen interaction with government is a key goal of the White House’s Digital Management Strategy. The approach is to use modern, open source approaches to handling data and content. Chris Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER spoke with Alan Balutis, senior director of Cisco’s Business Solutions Group about digital government. The goals laid out in theRead… Read more »

A Look at Today’s White House Big Data Event

Today, the White House demonstrated their support for Big Data in a huge way. Federal agencies have committed over $200M to big data initiatives in the future. Between the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Energy, and United States Geological Survey there are multipleRead… Read more » Remaking Public Participation

This announcement from the rom the eRulemaking Program Management Office comes from NCDD sustaining member Alexander Moll, Communication Specialist at the Environmental Protection Agency – eRulemaking Branch… WASHINGTON – In recent months, the eRulemaking Program, a Fed-wide E-Gov and Open Gov initiative, which manages has met with various groups and organizations to discuss waysRead… Read more »

Ask President Obama a Question – On January 30th He Will Answer It!

On January 30, President Obama will answer your top-voted questions in a special post-State of the Union interview from the White House. To participate, visit and submit your question. YouTube videos you submit will drive the interview and will be used to select a few lucky people to join a live Google+ Hangout withRead… Read more »

The White House Joins Google+ – How Cool is That?

Just got a tweet from the White House about their new launch of their Google+ web presence – One feature that is really exciting is the new “Hangout,” a live multi-person video chat with up to ten participants. The President and First Lady often call the White House “The People’s House.” Well, this isRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Should The White House Budget Be Cut?

Already this year, some Republicans have begun to suggest that Obama ought to be willing to take cuts in the White House budget, to demonstrate to the country his commitment to reducing the deficit. The Washington Post’s Ben Pershing writes that the presidential teleprompter and maintenance of the executive residence have both come under fire.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: White House Caps Federal Pay Awards

In an effort to further trim the fat from the federal budget, the White House is capping the amount of money available for employee awards, according to the Washington Post. The new policy limits the total amount of money available for performance awards, not how much can be awarded to an individual. Specifically, the awardRead… Read more »

The White House Wants You, Esteemed Experts!

The White House has been busy the last couple weeks, marking the first anniversary of the Open Government Directive with a live Q&A session, releasing a 25-Point Federal CIO Implementation Plan, and posting an ExpertNet RFI. We also shared a great analysis of the Open Government Initiative by Ph.D. candidate Angela Newell. This week, weRead… Read more »

VIDEO: Open Gov Directive Anniversary Q&A with White House

In case you missed the Open Government Directive One-Year Anniversary LIVE today, here’s the video: What do you think? Was this a helpful 30 minutes or should it have been longer? Did they answer tough questions? Did they answer YOUR questions? Should this kind of live engagement happen more often? Sound off below. Favorite