Posts Tagged: White

Kimberly Hancher, CIO of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discusses BYOD Successes

This exclusive interview was published by Federal Technology Insider. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. As a result of the effort, the agency was able to achieve significant savings, while enhancing employee productivity – all while creating the ideal case studyRead… Read more »

Join OGTV-Tell Congress: NOT TO SEQUESTER STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)

As per current federal statutes, the inability of Congress to agree on ways to reduce the United States deficit will result in $1.2 trillion in across-the-board cuts in federal spending, referred to as sequestration, effective March 1, 2013. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), this could translate into as muchRead… Read more »

“They” are the problem, “it’s them,” am I right?

“We the People …” is perhaps the most powerful opening clause ever uttered on this planet. Yet how many of “We,” really take to heart what those three words mean on a personal level? When it comes to the state of civic participation in the United States today, to paraphrase Jimmy Buffett perhaps, “We areRead… Read more »

5 Reasons Why the White House Response to the Death Star Petition Was Genius

Back in November 2012, someone posted on the White House’s “We The People” site petitioning the federal government to secure funding and resources to build a Death Star by 2016. We The People is an online petition website that allows any citizen to make a suggestion, and if it receives 25,000 votes, the White HouseRead… Read more »

Government standards support federal vendors in metropolitan DC and the nation

Government standards support federal vendors in metropolitan DC and the nation, Washington DC Government Business Examiner About one-third of metropolitan Washington DC’s economy is involved in or related to the federal government. Generally, the Nation’s Capital and surrounding suburbs are comprised of the following business sectors: Biotech – Washington DC is a biotechnology magnet, whichRead… Read more »

How Is Your Agency Going to Tackle Mobile Optimization?

In the White House digital government strategy released a few weeks ago, the White House has made it clear that it wants all government agencies to ensure that the American public can find its critical services via their mobile phone. This is not surprising considering that currently 46% of the American public owns a smartphone,Read… Read more »

Wanted: A Few Good Women and Men to Serve as Presidential Innovation Fellows

This has got to be one of the coolest initiatives of the Obama Administration! They just launched a new Presidential Innovation Fellows program. This new initiative will bring top innovators from outside government for focused “tours of duty” with our best federal innovators on game-changing projects. Combining the know-how of citizen change agents and governmentRead… Read more »

Many IT programs would be cut under FY13 budget request

The president’s fiscal 2013 budget request to Congress, released Feb. 13, sets aside $78.9 billion for information technology spending during the coming fiscal year. This amount does not account for the intelligence community, for IT embedded into weapons systems or satellites, or for IT spending that agencies don’t classify as IT for budget purposes. TheRead… Read more »

White House hosts second annual science fair, celebrates academic achievement

Yesterday in Washington, President Obama hosted the second annual White House Science Fair. Video of his comments is embedded below, along with a storify of exhibits and students from the day. “The young people I met today, the young people behind me — you guys inspire me. It’s young people like you that make meRead… Read more »

White House Perfects Its Reach To The YouTube Generation

The Obama Administration has arguably become one of the most adept administrations in history at harnessing new media technologies to take its case directly to the American public. How the White House takes advantage of new media can be seen in several White House videos posted on YouTube in the past week. The first isRead… Read more »