Take Care of You, and Others Too
On Self-Care Day, make some time to think about how you care for yourself and others, and check out resources from the World Health Organization and GovLoop.
On Self-Care Day, make some time to think about how you care for yourself and others, and check out resources from the World Health Organization and GovLoop.
To help clarify the differences between world health care systems, the online Masters in Public Health program at GW created an infographic to show how health care in the U.S. stacks up when compared to 16 other countries around the world. The data in the graphic is provided by the World Health Organization (WHO)’s WorldRead… Read more »
And Why Don’t We Get Rid of It? Legally, the Electoral College chooses our president, but our votes DO control that result. And until we can remove the marketing geeks from the election process, we do still need the Electoral College. As usual on election night, news reporters announced each state’s vote totals as theRead… Read more »
Despite fear that terrorists could the information to start epidemics, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced they would release the “full details” of experiments done last year by research teams, at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the virus known as H5N1, that made the deadlyRead… Read more »
Even typing the word vulnerable puts me into a quiet, soft mood—not normally the way most people would describe me. In a world where we are taught that harm lurks around every corner and we need to watch our backs, the last thing we want is to be vulnerable. Yet, what kind of world haveRead… Read more »
Who Are Your Peers? GovLoop is all about connecting the government community. Federal, state, local Govies. Public policy students/profs. Good contractors and good government non-profits. So I think of those in government as my peers. But I wonder what others do. Who do you think our your peers? Government folks in your agency? Gov’t typesRead… Read more »
From the CDC In response to an intensifying outbreak in the United States and internationally caused by a new influenza virus of swine origin, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 5. on April 29, 2009. A Phase 5 alert is a “strong signal that a pandemic is imminent andRead… Read more »