Posts Tagged: wiki

Only 10 Days Left Until MuniGov Con! Register Now!

The first-ever MuniGov 2.0 virtual conference hosted in Second Life is coming up April 10! Don’t get left out of this unique FREE training opportunity and discussion of Web 2.0 by some of the art’s best practitioners! New to Second Life? See for Second Life Orientation information. Register now, set up a projector andRead… Read more »

Things that keep me up at night — wikis and databases

I’m faced with two projects that are both fun and a bit frustrating at the same time. The first is looking for any guidelines agencies may have concerning guidelines for editing wiki entries about their agencies on non-governmental wikis such as Wikipedia. I regularly review our entry on Wikipedia, make minor corrections, and also workRead… Read more »

The State Perspective of the Social Media Subcouncil

As you may have read on the Social Media Subcouncil’s first blog post and from Jeffrey Levy’s latest post, the Social Media Subcouncil is up and running in public! As a member of the Subcouncil, I’m so excited to start getting some of our draft concepts out to the larger community of government communicators andRead… Read more »

Scaling the Walls of Wikipedia

Adding entries in Wikipedia that describe your agency or services is a grand idea. Foolish me. I thought Wikipedia was a free-for-all, wild-wild-west, kinda web site. Got something to post? No problem, this ain’t your momma’s Brittanica, just throw it on up there. Last week, the creator of the Animal Science Image Gallery asked meRead… Read more »

DHS and the (Not Yet Created) TechSolutions Wiki

Originally posted at the GenerationShift blog: A couple weeks ago, while attending the National League of Cities conference in Orlando, FL, I connected with representatives from the Science and Technology Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security. Our conversation began by them highlighting a new website called TechSolutions. According to the website: The TechSolutions ProgramRead… Read more »