Women and ‘Bad Attitude’ Jail
Despite all the talk about women’s empowerment, has the workplace really changed for women? Or are gender stereotypes making the world smaller?
Despite all the talk about women’s empowerment, has the workplace really changed for women? Or are gender stereotypes making the world smaller?
“Success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women.” In other words, the higher a woman ascends on the corporate ladder, the less likeable she is perceived to be, while the opposite holds true for men.
Don’t let an overly specific posting deter you from the job you want. You’re smart, dedicated, and talented, and you can easily learn how to better read job descriptions, because probably, you deserve that position.
So, why has one particular outfit gotten so much negative attention? We’re talking about the classic pantsuit. Historically speaking, any woman in government wearing a pantsuit is a relatively new phenomenon.