Planning Performance Appraisal Success in a Virtual World
It is never too early to think about how to plan for performance appraisal success, especially in a virtual world.
It is never too early to think about how to plan for performance appraisal success, especially in a virtual world.
We all find ourselves in negative environments and attached to negative people. How do we affect positive change rather than being permanently damaged?
Innovation is really only possible when there is synchronicity between employees and the employee culture — AND that work must be done to accurately quantify that culture and ensure that employees feel understood, like they belong, and are empowered.
Ten things to immediately sit down and do the second you become a manager, and the ways you can do them.
Mindfulness is described as the ability to be fully present in the moment. It is being able to block out distractions and other concerns in order to focus on the task at hand.
It should be said though to managers that even with meetings being a mainstay in the work setting to keep people and projects on track, it does not mean that getting together should be a long and arduous task. Meetings can and should be an effective way to communicate information and to keep projects on… Read more »
Ever feel like you spend way too much time sitting on your bottom and not enough time up and about? There are many simple ways to add activity into your daily work routine. Keep reading for five ways to stay active even at a desk job!
At the beginning of my career, I believed that everybody else somehow had the keys to the knowledge kingdom but me. Looking back, I realize it was simply that they had more experience than I did.
Don’t just stay at your desk to finish your report and simply eat some quickly thrown together meal you made when you rushed to work this morning.
Feds face constant change, including big changes in chains of command and our agencies’ goals and priorities. In the face of change, my best advice is to maintain a sense of pride in your work, keep things in perspective, and find ways to support your colleagues and ask for their support in return. Here are… Read more »