Maintaining High Performance in a Hybrid Workplace
Successful managers know that developing and sustaining high performing teams requires constant discipline, especially in a hybrid environment. Here are four management tips.
Career, Leadership, Professional Development
Successful managers know that developing and sustaining high performing teams requires constant discipline, especially in a hybrid environment. Here are four management tips.
Career, Communications, Leadership, Professional Development
You’re wondering if telework is right for you and, more importantly, how to convince your boss to let you try. These tested tips will put you and your employer on the road to telework success.
The side-eye is a multitasker; it expresses annoyance to suspicion. Sometimes if you’re the on-looker, it can be side-splitting funny. Just not at work.
Are you practicing self care?
Communications, Human Resources, Leadership, Learning
Work-life effectiveness means something different to each individual. Define what it means to you.
I recently read a job announcement for a well-known local nonprofit organization that included the standard position description, responsibilities, skills, and personal attributes required. But it also included something atypical for a job description: the announcement listed that the candidate must possess the qualities of “passion, idealism, integrity, positive attitude, mission-driven, and self-directed.” Wow – whatRead… Read more »
Should managers reach out to employees when they please, just because they can?
Some people were raised with the belief that you work hard every day and you will get promoted as well as earn enough money to care for your family. The term work-life balance is the harmonious blend of one’s personal and professional goals. But is this concept a reality for everyone or a passing dream?Read… Read more »
I recently returned from a holiday in Cornwall where for the most part I had a forced exclusion from the internet due to staying in a beautiful location a few miles from anywhere. What this got me thinking about was the individual choice about being disconnected from the internet and that it wasn’t my decisionRead… Read more »
Career, Communications, Human Resources, Project Management, Tech
This is the second part of a series inspired by Susan Ward’s article on featuring “Ten tips for attracting employees.” I am responding to Susan’s tips for business owners with my take about how government agencies can use them to promote their jobs. 6. Offer employees some way to move upwards. It’s not thatRead… Read more »