Taking Care of the Caregivers
It is vital that we care for our co-workers who are also caregivers. Here are some ways we can do just that!
Employee Experience, Well-Being
It is vital that we care for our co-workers who are also caregivers. Here are some ways we can do just that!
Leadership, Professional Development, Well-Being
eady to establish healthy boundaries in the demanding world of government work? This practical guide offers actionable tips and techniques to help you communicate your needs, manage your time effectively, and reclaim control of your workday. Learn how to say “no” with confidence and create a more balanced and fulfilling work life.
Career, Communications, Employee Experience, Well-Being
Struggling with work-life balance and burnout in this demanding world? Learn how setting boundaries can empower you to reclaim control, reduce stress, and create a more fulfilling career.
Employee Experience, Leadership, Well-Being
Work-life balance is essential to a healthy workplace. But to show your commitment to the ideal, you have to model it.
Career, Communications, Learning
Trying to succeed in their careers, people can forget that they are more important than the work they do. But practicing self-care on a regular basis can restore peace of mind, help prevent burnout and ultimately make you more effective and productive.
Career, Communications, Workplace, Human Resources, Leadership
As we transition to more hybrid work, presenteeism — when people are physically present but mentally disengaged — can become a problem. However, with thoughtful strategies, agencies can mitigate its impact.
Technology can both encourage and discourage work-life balance. Be aware. It is essential to take action. Set the intention to be on top of it.
Career, Communications, Leadership
A joyful attitude helps employees become healthier and more productive. So what can you do to bring more joy into your personal and professional life? Here are practical pointers.
There are many ways that employers and colleagues can support working parents, and there are many things that parents can do to maintain balance and well-being in their lives.
A new survey found that Gen Z and millennials are more interested in work-life balance than their older colleagues.