Posts Tagged: workforce

Tips and Tricks for Tracking Labor Costs in the Public Sector

State and local governments need to identify, predict, and manage opportunities for cost savings and productivity gains — all while improving the quality of their products and services. But how can they achieve productivity gains, and stay within budget, when they lack business intelligence related to their workforce?

6 Essential Ways to Build Trust in Your Team

Have you said some version of these words recently? “I can’t trust him.” “My trust has been broken.” “We can’t put trust in them anymore.” These refrains are common and heartbreaking. In both its presence and absence, trust is a critical and yet also often elusive quality of effective working relationships. Being able to trustRead… Read more »

Securing Cyber Environments through the Workforce

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. A common misconception is that cyber criminals only target systems. In reality, these criminals target employees to get access to government systems and citizen data. Chesterfield County CIO Barry Condrey saysRead… Read more »