What to Do When Your Boss is a Bully
When your boss is a bully, most of the advice you’ll hear is to get a new job. But what if you can’t?
When your boss is a bully, most of the advice you’ll hear is to get a new job. But what if you can’t?
So, how can you tell if you’re treating another female coworker unfairly? Well, it’s not exactly easy to pinpoint micro aggressions, but it’s important to try, and GovFem is here to help.
There is a trend in the workplace that is increasingly becoming popular, however this is not the sort of popularity that one might expect: workplace bullying.
Bullying is a repeated, aggressive behavior where one person in a position of power, intentionally with deliberation intimidate, abuse or coerce
It took me took me several years before I could think about this one particular boss without feeling physical anxiety. My heart would start beating faster, my muscles would tense up, and sometimes I’d be so anxious I couldn’t fall asleep. He was the kind of boss to whom all my work was a disappointmentRead… Read more »
“This place is a hell hole. If I had a car today I would up and quit.” This was a real Facebook post, though not too uncommon, and shared by a social network “friend” with their mutual employer! Facebook “snitching”, as it’s been coined, has prompted a lot of discussion among HR professionals who areRead… Read more »