Posts Tagged: Workplace

Did You Telework Today?

Did today’s ice sheet over DC cause you to wish your agency supported teleworking? It’s now encouraged by law, but how do agencies actually get it implemented? The IBM Center has released a new report examining the experiences of four pioneering agencies and what they learned, so you don’t have to! There are enormous benefitsRead… Read more »

Social Networking: Share Your Thoughts, Win Up To $100

My survey represents a chance to express your opinion of how social media tools serve our workplace. All participants can enter a drawing for a $100, $50 and multiple $10 Amazon gift cards!! You can provide the foundation for measurement of social networking concepts as they relate to individual perception of performance. But your responseRead… Read more »

Appropriate Use of Communication Mediums

Approrpriate Use of Communication Mediums at Work Information Greatly Appreciated I have created a chart on the appropriate use of communication mediums in the workplace for my next book Workplace Savvy. Need to validate the information I have already collected. Questions What work situations are appropriate for the use of the following mediums? What doRead… Read more »

Going ROWE: D.C. gov workers worried new mayor will end “results only work environment”

Just posted this morning, the third installment of the new Center for American Progress series, “Going ROWE,” a behind-the-scenes look at how D.C.’s information technology agency is transforming in to a “results only work environment.” This weekly series documents the transformation of a government office into a workplace where employees can work where they want,Read… Read more »

Going ROWE: The Guinea Pigs in the Basement

By Gadi Dechter Associate Director of Government ReformCenter for American Progress This is the second in a series of weekly dispatches from the District of Columbia’s information technology department, which is transforming into a “results-only work environment” where employees can work where they want, when they want—so long as they meet predefined goals. Washington’s 35-year-oldRead… Read more »

Federal Agencies and how do they address Gender Transition in the workplace?

In my Agency, USDA , we are looking to develop an Agency wide policy to address individuals that are experiencing transgender reassignments and the impacts within in the Federal Workplace. I would like to open a dialog with representative of other Federal agencies as to their existing policies and the success of such policies. TheRead… Read more »

Top 10: Topics NOT to Discuss with Your Coworkers

The Top Ten Topics You MIght NOT Want to Share with All Your Coworkers from Lady Dianne 1. Off color or racially charged jokes and comments (includes gay, lesbian, religious, ethnic, disability or blonde jokes) 2. Wild weekends or hangovers 3. Politics or religion 4. Intimate details of life (includes relationships) 5. Personal problems andRead… Read more »

Does Diversity Help Baseball Teams Win Games? Rutgers-Camden Management Scholar Seeks an Answer

A recent Rutgers research study has identified a new twist in the science behind diversity. Researchers have determined based on analysis of Major League baseball demographic data that winning baseball teams have what are known as “demographic faultlines”. In my Diversity2.0 language these are known as “cliques.” What the researchers found was that to attractRead… Read more »