In the media, government employees are cast like they are a different species. Living underground in caves, we speak a different language (bureaucratize), have different morals (obscurity), and generally make your life difficult.
One of the most interesting things I’ve found working in public service is the diversity of the public service. I’m particularly interested in what people do after work.
In my five years, I’ve met a number of interesting govies including:
-World Series of Poker player
-Bonsai master
-Creator of largest drag race community in world_
-Owner of hair dresser and two restaurants
-Professional jazz singer
-Owner of blinds company
-National flag-football champion
What do you do outside of work? Any cool skills/hobbies?
Me – GovLoop junkie, Iron Gym fanatic, Mac convert, Former music DJ, and USF Bulls fanatic.
Commercial Fisherman. Salmon, shrimp.
HR Director Delivering Chinook salmon – July 08
Churchgoer, teach ESL, mountain and road biking, helping non-profits/NGOs with grantwriting
Teach adult continuing education, collect wine, starting a non-profit,
How ’bout: Trying to keep up with 8 year old’s school/homework load and tumble class, grocery shopping, cooking/cleaning/laundry, talking to contractors for post-hurricane IKE repairs, dealing with health issues post IKE, and 2 bonus teenagers marching band and soccer, preparing for holidays, checking out charities with BBB prior to donating ( has a great catalog – a few pages innapropriate for younger donors, but great idea), trying to keep up with CEUs for licensure, recently joined facebook, occassionally drinking wine, knitting, volunteer on non-profit board, volunteer GovLoop community leader, wanna-be writer, wanna-be guitarist, volunteer foster home for local animal shelter rescues,… squeeze in occassional game of Desktop Tower Defense… watch Sabres play hockey, watch Bills play football … bake cookies for 8yrold’s class donation to IKE displaced families… download too many iTunes… karaoke (fan) and occassional karaoke party co-host…occassionally play in church handbell choir… try to squeeze in a workout or two… and that about takes up all my free time outside of work… which is itself often a lot more than 40hrs/week… enjoy traveling, too when I get the chance… Vegas is fun; Lake Charles is closer, not quite as much fun;…
Lindy hopper (former swing and ballroom dance instructor), road biker, neophyte triathlete, singer, outdoorsman (hiking, wanna be rock climber), computer nerd.
Parenting. (I used to have a lot more but kids have a way of eliminating available time). Contra dancing is probably my most active hobby right now. I used to be deep into medieval culinary research and still do it occasionally (bringing medieval dishes to work and potlucks).
I work with 11-17 yr old youth in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. I’m also the secretary of the local council of the United States Navy League.
Wiccan/Neo-Pagan; GovLoop/MySpace/IslanderRegistry fanatic, part-time Geek, Chat-aholic, Anime/Manga fan of Rumiko Takahashi (InuYasha) and Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away), Advocate for Children’s Mental Health, (refrigerator) Magnet Collector, and last but not least 70’s & 80’s Music Fan!