This article is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent report, “Using Cloud to Improve Your Data Governance.” Download the full report here.
The volume of data that organizations manage will grow 800% over the next five years, with 80% of this information being unstructured, according to Gartner. Structured data is information that is organized using pre-defined models such as databases. Unstructured data, meanwhile, is information such as drone footage, maps and video content that isn’t placed in these preexisting formats.
DOJ upholds America’s laws, making the agency’s work essential for citizens. Unfortunately, unstructured data is complicating this mission. Criminal justice cases are complex, and DOJ has more data to manage as it digitizes.
Initially, DOJ used legacy IT for its Law Enforcement Information Sharing Environment (LEISP). LEISP enables DOJ to manage and share case files across all 57 of the agency’s components and scores of U.S. Attorneys’ offices. The system also provides stakeholders outside DOJ such as U.S. courts and opposing counsels with the same access.
DOJ’s legacy IT, however, is increasingly costly and cumbersome to maintain and secure as the agency’s data grows. DOJ leaders eventually decided that modernizing LEISP would solve all these challenges simultaneously.
Ultimately, DOJ chose Box to provide a new, cloud-based platform for LEISP. This platform tightened DOJ’s control over the agency’s data access and governance. More importantly, this system also enabled the intimate collaboration DOJ needed with its internal and external partners.
Box for Government is a secure platform that helps agencies perform more efficiently by connecting both public servants and citizens to their information.
It’s a solution that can also help agencies manage their sensitive content on any device while complying with privacy and security regulations. Box for Government additionally enables collaboration across agencies in a user-friendly environment.
Box’s platform can help agencies manage their data in a cloud-first fashion, producing better intelligence. This platform also improves collaboration by helping organizations and systems work together on their data.
LEISP now helps about 7,000 U.S. attorneys, field agents and other relevant parties cooperate effectively on thousands
of cases. By adopting a unified cloud platform for its data, DOJ now upholds justice with tens of thousands of external collaborators daily.
To read about how content management in the cloud can speed up any digital transformation, read the full report here.

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