
Top 5 Member Blogs of 2011

Top Member Blogs

The internet is a weird place and getting eyes to your content is hard. Of course there are tricks like SEO (search engine optimization), catchy headlines, and in the case of GovLoop getting in the carousel or newsletter. But more so than anything else the thing that drives eyes to content is actually having something there worth reading and thinking about.
Over the last week we’ve pushed through our 2011 data to see which blog posts you as a community thought were truly worth reading. Here’s the Top 5.
1.) Where is Waldo: In this cleverly title post Waldo is actually improved government performance. The post is written about the Obama Administration’s performance agenda and outlines all the initiatives that are included in it. If you are remotely interested in government performance this is a solid read.
2.) Who not to follow on Twitter! – A guide for public sector employees: Let’s just say it’s been a heck of a year as far as twitter flubs go. Whether you’re a congressman that gets around or just a GS employee is probably good to know what you should and shouldn’t do on twitter. Also this post got so much buzz it we decided to ask the author to partner with us on two comprehensive guides.
3.) How Google is Mapping 25 Years of Climate Change: Google does some pretty cool stuff which is why we love having them as a partner here on GovLoop. In this post you not only get to see the awesome project that google did but you also get to see how they did it using geospatial tech.
4.) DoD Social Media Policy Expires March 1 with No Follow-up. What’s the Impact?: I’ll admit this is a personal favorite of mine. With so many troops deployed all over social media is increasingly important for them to keep in touch with loved ones. When this post was posted the social media policy was about to expire putting the kibosh on communication but luckily this discussion helped get the ball moving towards a renewal of the policy.
5.) How you could change your office culture in one day, and why you will never do it: The blogger behind this (Nick Charney) is a very unconventional guy but has methods that totally work. We always bring in Nick to set the tone out our annual conference and every year he gets rave reviews. This post is about as close as you can get to recreating his talk without actually hearing him speak.
Top Blog by GovLoop Staff

1.) How to: Build an Awesome Government Facebook Page with Tons of Fans and Engagement: This post was written by Mr. GovLoop and gives a detailed step process on what you need in order to build an asethically pleasing and active facebook page.

2.) GovLoop PMF Guide: Managing the Application Process: This year we really tried to focus on making quick easily digestible resources for people in the government sector. Thanks to our fellow Pat and our designer Jeff the PMF guide simplified the complicated process of applying to the PMF while also providing advice from former PMFs.

3.) 7 Steps to Social Networking Success [INFOGRAPH]: We really tried to make GovLoop a place to forward your career this year and this infograph along with job.govloop and rock you resume are perfect examples of easy steps you can take on GovLoop to advance your career.

4.) How Many Open Gov Projects Are There (and How Do You Find Them Fast)? [INFOGRAPH]: We were pumped when Good magazine and the White House asked us to partner on this infographic about open government projects.

5.) Guide to a Great Education: 2011 MPA Guide: Getting more great people into government service is important to us at GovLoop and a good way to make that happen is through specialized schooling like MPA and MPP degrees. This post is specially for MPAs but we didn’t ignore the MPPs either.

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