
Top 5 Viewed Members of 2011

Ninety per cent of how you learn is watching great people.
When you are surrounded by good actors it lifts your performance.

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman might be onto something. There are some people that just catch your attention and make you want to learn more about them. Maybe it’s something they said or did or how they treated you. They don’t mean to get attention; they’re just being themselves…and happen to be remarkable.

The GovLoopers below are those kinds of people. They are active in the community in one way or another – and they’ve made us take notice.

1. James Evans
James was a greeter for GovLoop most of the year. He’s the guy at the door who makes you realize you’ve stumbled upon a special place. In fact, you may have received your welcome to GovLoop with these words: “From one awesomite to another, my very best.” James has a fascinating way with words, which I’m sure is what makes him a great Technical Writer for the US Postal Service. We’ve appreciated his contributions to making a true community in 2011 and we look forward to his spot at the door in 2012.

2. Ed Albetski
If you know Ed, you probably think of three words: books, food and travel. That’s because you’ve likely learned about Ed’s expert insights and exciting adventures in our Gov Gourmet, Travel and Ancient Media: Books groups. Here’s a perfect example: “I’ve been quiet since we got home from the cruise. Read 5 novels during that time…finally broke down and am reading Stieg Larsson’s THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. I thought the first chapter or so a bit dry, but it livened up nicely. I see why it is so popular. I’d like to see the Swedish film before I see the Americanized version, even if it is directed by the brilliant David Fincher.” If you love cuisine, cruises or Kafka, Ed’s the go-to guy.

3. Dannielle Blumenthal
Dannielle is without a doubt the most prolific blogger on GovLoop. She churned out hundreds of posts in the past year alone – all packed with nuggets of wit and wisdom. In fact, you’ll also find her on our Top 5 Bloggers list as a result of her ability to spark conversations about communications. Specifically, you may want to join her groups on Communications Best Practices, Internal Communications and the Federal Communicators Network. In addition to being a blogger and leader, she happens to be one of the most helpful members, consistently offering her assistance to colleagues with questions. Thank you, Dannielle, for your ongoing contributions to GovLoop.

4. Candace Riddle
Ms. Riddle know how to rile things up around here. In fact, her forum question in April on the pay freeze netted nearly 200 comments and her most recent inquiry is calling into question the White House claims to being “open”. Moreover, she’s contributed significantly to groups like Young Acquisition Professionals and Young Government Leaders to advance the missions of those organizations. Another little known fact about Candace is that she’s the first member to adroitly navigate GovLoop and leverage her community leadership into a job. I’ll let her tell you the story, but rest assured that she’s a consummate networker and a true guru at making the most of a social network like this one. Follow her here and find out how to advance your career quickly.

5. Jack Shaw
Actor, coach and trainer. Jack’s doled out dozens of blog posts on training and presenting with pizazz. Even if you aren’t in the training field, you’ll appreciate his tips on everything from the value of visual aids to the virtues of character development. If you do any public speaking at all, be sure to check for Jack’s 2-3 gems each week. In addition, if you live in Philly, you might want to see if you can get some coaching from him and check out his acting chops!

Honorable Mention

Susan Thomas
Susan is an Assistant Director, Accountability for the Department of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. I really appreciated her response to a post in which I was trying to help a new government employee in navigating the system, wondering what she should do about being given so many menial tasks. Here was Susan’s advice: “It’s important to establish a rapport and credibility with a supervisor…Let the supervisor know you believe you are ready and willing to perform more challenging assignments or projects. Don’t wait to be asked to do something. Be creative. Offer to take as much as you can off the boss’s shoulders and do it well.” Good stuff – and why Susan is one to watch.

Douglas Detling
Doug is a Human Resources Director for the City of Medford, OR who says in his profile that “Public service is the most personally rewarding profession. There can be no finer calling than to better the lives of others.” That’s the kind of guy I want to know…and the kind of response to public services that’s typical of GovLoop members.

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