Creating an Open Data Strategy That Just Works

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Has your organization realized a return on investment for your open data efforts? When it was first introduced, open data was defined as the innovation currency from which to best understand how to improve accountability and transparency. We were promised greater civic engagement and a boost to local economies. Over the last few years we learned a lot about the benefits of opening data; not just for the public but for governments as well. Opening up your data inward is helping to break down silos within organizations. Open data has become a hub for productivity and efficiency.

Listen to this on-demand training to learn how government is using geographic information systems (GIS) as a foundation to build a strong open data strategy and what the future of the open data movement will bring.

You will learn:

  • How governments are using GIS to open their information to realize a return.
  • Trends in open data resulting in Smart Communities
  • What to look for in building and extending your data platform.
  • How open data is empowering the new world of data driven decisions.


Christopher Thomas, Director of Government Markets, Esri