A few years ago, cloud was the buzziest of buzzwords. Every government news article touted the new era of cloud computing and how this up-and coming-technology would change the way the government worked.
And those new articles were right; the government has invested heavily in cloud technologies. Federal agencies are expected to spend more than $2 billion on cloud computing services out of a total of $80 billion in information technology spending in fiscal 2017. That’s a massive increase. However, figuring out how to change government processes and actually improve the way government works with cloud technologies is slightly more challenging.
Join Christopher Dorobek and his panel of government experts for this on-demand discussion to learn how the cloud is impacting the way government operates.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- The major benefits agencies are reaping by moving to the cloud.
- The biggest hurdles agencies still face when implementing and using cloud solutions.
- Where agencies hope to take their cloud services next.