Ensuring Safe Access for Government Users – The Evolution of Identity Management

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Verifying the identity and intentions of someone accessing confidential government information is never easy. Then add multiple mobile devices, ramp up the number of cyberthreats, and exponentially increase the amount of information available online — now you’re really facing a challenge.

With these mounting obstacles, how do you keep your information secure? Your knee-jerk reaction might be to blindly increase the safeguards across your identity management system. Right?

Wrong. What you should really be doing is crafting a system that adapts to different users and access scenarios. Register for this on-demand training as our government and industry experts share how to:

  • Secure information without impeding access for those who need it.
  • Transition from identity management to relationship management.
  • Think creatively about user credentialing and verification processes.

Speakers included:

  • Dan Waddell, Director of Government Affairs, ISC2
  • Kolin Whitley, Director, Fraud & Identity Solutions, Decision Analytics, Experian

There isn’t a one-size fits all approach when it comes to identity management, but all agencies must build strategies that reflect the evolution of identity management. Join us to learn how.

Want more info? Check out the event recap here.