
May 14 – How Government Is Boosting Data Resilience, Disaster Recovery, Continuity of Operations and More

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Whether it’s a hurricane, fire, insider threat or outdated systems, disaster can strike at any point for a government agency. However, even in times of crisis the government’s mission remains. Agencies need a robust business continuity and disaster recovery plan to ensure that vital government services are still working.

But keeping those systems running isn’t as simple as having a backup drive somewhere. Instead, agencies need a robust continuity of operations plan, data backups and more.

Join us on online Tuesday, May 14 from 2-2:50 p.m. ET/11-11:50 a.m. PT to hear from government and industry experts about how to safeguard critical data assets and minimize downtime in the event of a disaster.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • What real-time data replication, high availability and recovery looks like in the digital age.
  • How successful organizations are framing their policies and technologies to be as robust as possible.
  • How leading agencies are looking into real-time data integration and replication – even in times of disaster – to be more prepared for the future.

You’ll hear from:

  • Frank Indiviglio, Chief Technology Officer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Jennifer Petry, Oracle Database Administrator with the Akima family of companies
  • Peter Inzana, Director, Product Management, Oracle

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