Have you taken time to consider the experience citizens have when making payments to your agency, or even what it’s like for front-line staff? A candid look often reveals public agencies are decades behind the best payment technologies available to consumers.
That’s starting to change, though, and in this webinar, you’ll learn what’s possible and how modern payment tech can level up the resident experience with your agency.
Join us online Thursday, March 27 at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT to learn from government and industry leaders about strategies agencies can leverage to make their payment systems more accessible, secure, and simple.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- The key considerations agencies make when updating their payment systems.
- Where the biggest barriers exist in modernizing payment processing systems.
- Use cases from state and local agencies that have transformed their organizations.
You’ll hear from:
- Crystal Dean, Accounting Manager, City of Reno
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