Raise your hand if you have ever worked in a toxic workplace?
Here are a few signs, if you are unsure: slow, incomplete, or non-existent communication; private, gossip-fueled side conversations; piling on work; etc.
The real question then becomes, what do you do about it? Join GovLoop and NextGen online Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 2-2:50 p.m. ET/11-11:50 a.m. PT to hear from a government expert about how to deal with a toxic workplace.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- The key drivers that create a toxic workplace.
- How to determine if the situation is fixable.
- How successful employees have dealt with a toxic environment.
You’ll hear from:
- Lethia Davis, Government expert
- Doug Mashkuri, Vice President and General Manager, GovLoop
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