State & Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit

  • Training Date:
  • Training Time:

State and local governments pioneered cloud adaption and infrastructure efficiencies. They are at the forefront of innovative citizen engagement strategies and workforce overhauls. And you, the public servants in state and local government, do this while facing budget challenges, resource constraints, and the constant threat of a cyberattack.

On Wednesday, September 14, join GovLoop and 1,000+ state and local govies for the Third Annual State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit.


  • It’s completely free and you’ll learn a lot.
  • Earn up to 5 continuing professional education (CPE) credits.
  • Unlike in-person events, you can come and go as you please and learn a few things without ever leaving your office chair!
  • Network (virtually, of course) with your state and local government peers.
  • Learn from experts in an interactive virtual environment.


  1. Win free stuff! Everyone likes a little competition, right? The more active you are in the virtual environment, the higher you’ll be on the GovLoop
  2. Leaderboard. The Top 20 will get the ultimate Govloop swag bundle (we promise it’s cool).
  3. Chat with GovLoop: When training sessions aren’t occurring, join GovLoopers including Steve Ressler, Founder of GovLoop in our online chats to learn about helpful resources, virtual learning and more.
  4. Get career advice: Whether you are new to government or SES, we’ve all got career-related questions. Come chat with career experts throughout the day to get your questions answered.
  5. Download over 200 resources: We’ll have information on nearly every topic in government to help you do your job better. Meet your peers: Hang out in the Networking Lounge (be sure to set up your profile + avatar) and kick it with your fellow govies.