Jan. 15 – Wellness Check: How to Create Moments of Mindfulness in Chaos

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How are you doing? Seriously. How are you coping? As a government employee, you have been through a tremendous amount of chaos, change and confusion. A Presidential Transition is on the horizon, there have been riots at the Capitol, the ongoing pandemic is only getting more dangerous, and through it all, you are expected to fulfill the mission of your agency and your job.

Join us this Friday at 12pm ET / 9a.m. PT to learn how to find mindfulness during the chaos. How to find those moments of zen to reduce anxiousness and stress. In this session, you will learn directly from a mindfulness coach about how to best address the chaos in a healthy manner. You’ll explore best practices and tips to create coping mechanisms, and can share your story, perspective and advice with our community as well.

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