Your Building Data is The Source of New Savings and Efficiencies for Energy, Operations & Space Management

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Did you know that by 2025, buildings will be the largest emitters of greenhouse gases on our planet. And that energy costs alone represent about 30% of an office building’s total operating costs, and are typically the second highest cost behind salaries?

So how can you use less energy in your buildings, be more environmentally friendly, and improve performance?

The answer lies in the data your buildings are producing — and your ability to analyze and use that data. Join this on-demand interactive social cast to explore how government can turn their buildings into “Smarter Buildings.”

Specifically, our government and industry experts will discuss how to:

  • Align facilities management with your enterprise mission and business management.
  • Optimize energy use and operations performance across the enterprise.
  • Transform portfolio management and utilize space more effectively.
  • Provide an integrated view of facility data for greater management control.


  • Assistant Commissioner Stephen Sakach, Office of Facilities Management, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration
  • Don Coffelt , Associate Vice President for Facilities Management Services, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Joe Phillips, Director, IBM Smarter Building Solutions

Want more information? Read the event recap and be sure to check out more of IBM’s resources on what makes a Smarter Building.