Today I am posting from The Public Manager and American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)’s conference in Baltimore, MD – dubbed “Transforming Bureaucratic Cultures: Challenges and Solutions for Public Management Practitioners.” The conference has featured six tracks: performance, accountability, human capital, technology, communication and governance. Thought leaders from across government, industry, and academia have gathered to explore the emerging trends that are shaping the public sector. Perhap this event will become an annual forum that generates an agenda with tangible action items that lead to true transformation.
About 30-35 participants attended a workshop that I delivered yesterday entitled “Avatars and Blogs and Wikis: How Web 2.0 is Transforming Government.” If you’re coming here from there, welcome! Here are a copy of the slides for your review. We defined Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, podcasting, social virtual networking sites, YouTube and Second Life. I provided several examples of government agencies (Federal, state and local) that are using these tools and participants shared experiences from their agencies. Discussion of each tool culminated in a real-time demonstration (in 5 steps/5 minutes or less!) of the ease with which an agency may implement these Web 2.0 technologies to exchange knowledge with their constituents and one another.
I would encourage you to participate in the discussion forum on GovLoop related to Web 2.0 and government. (I still need to contribute to the conversation myself!).
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