AI is changing the way government does business. Through automation, predictive analytics and advanced data analysis, AI is set to enhance operations and service delivery, said Chris Steel AI Practice Lead at AlphaSix, which provides data management platforms and tools for data analysis. “Its transformative potential in government operations is vast, ranging from predictive analytics in defense and law enforcement to automating benefits processing, and everything in between,” he said.
And it’s time for agencies to get started, said Mark Hughes, Chief Strategy Officer of AlphaSix.
“You don’t have to start large if people are interested in playing with the tools and seeing what they can do,” he said. “It easily scales as their needs scale.”
Getting Practical
Agencies are using AI for a range of applications, Hughes said, including anticipating maintenance needs in public infrastructure, automating routine administrative tasks and using natural language processing for more responsive chatbots.
“Some of these innovations not only streamline processes but they make government services more accessible and responsive to citizen needs,” Steel said.
AI also plays a significant role in cybersecurity. For instance, at a large federal agency, AlphaSix used machine learning (ML) and AI to create a complex anomaly-detection tool to protect sensitive customer data. “This not only secures critical data, but streamlines operations,” Steel explained.
Overcoming Hurdles
Preparing to adopt AI takes work, AlphaSix’s Chief Technology Officer, Stephen Moore said: “The first thing is just knowledge. You need [someone] who understands the technology behind the buzzwords.” Because there’s a shortage of skilled AI professionals, agencies may have to bring in vendors and consultants who can provide that expertise.
Another issue is having data that is AI-ready. “If your data’s spread all over the place in a bunch of stovepipe systems, it’s going to be hard to unlock the true value of looking at a higher level across datasets,” Moore explained.
Connecting all those silos unleashes vast amounts of data, often on systems that aren’t designed to handle those volumes, forcing analysts to summarize or use fewer datasets. “They’re missing the input that they would need to get the output, the analysis they’re looking for,” Moore said.
AlphaSix brings 13 years of experience in developing data tools and platforms to help agencies spend less time on data management and more on analytics, Hughes said.
Its solution is a data fabric, a system that starts with bringing in billions of records from diverse applications and making them available for analysis. The next step is to run queries and build the required analytics. “And the third phase is to add in AI and ML so you can start building models that can detect more in real time,” Moore said. AI is ready for its role, Steel added: “It’s time to embrace AI as a transformative tool for government.”
This article appeared in our guide, “AI: Where We Are, Where We’re Going.” To learn more about how agencies are working with AI, download it here:

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