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Transforming Your Agency with Big Data

View Guide: Transforming Your Agency with Big Data


Executive Summary Below | Download PDF

The ways agencies store, manage and collect data is changing. In the past, agencies analyzed data from stable enterprise services. Data was created from customer relationship management services, enterprise resource planning systems or from the variety of financial instruments agencies used to process transactions. Agencies could then run common reports, store data in warehouses or databases, and easily extract knowledge to inform their decision-making.  With the explosion of data from social media, the Internet and growing examples of online transactions, government has more opportunities than ever before to transform agencies through big data analysis.  



Report Highlights

  • Report covers a recent survey from GovLoop community on how agencies are leveraging big data 
  • Insights based on interviews with government leaders and experts from our industry partners
  • Special sections highlight City of Philadelphia and Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

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