The public sector is struggling to accomplish mission outcomes with traditional paper-based processes and legacy technologies. Once helpful, these tools are increasingly unable to handle information efficiently, effectively and securely. The old way of operating often slows agencies down and disappoints constituents.
Enter the Content Cloud. Using cloud computing’s on-demand, decentralized capabilities, the Content Cloud enables agencies to create, govern and share their content digitally.
This solution helps agencies increase constituent engagement through simple, accessible applications, and allows government employees to communicate and collaborate from any location. And, at a time when cyberattacks are increasing, it reduces agencies’ security risk.
Box, a cloud content management solution, has helped strengthen agencies’ resilience, interoffice collaboration and customer experience (CX) through the use of its Content Cloud.
Cary, North Carolina’s Single Source of Truth
In Cary, North Carolina, the Content Cloud has benefited 1,200 city employees and 170,000 residents with one platform for managing about 2,000 projects and services citywide. For employees, Cary’s cloud is a single source of truth for data ranging from contracts to maps.
For constituents, the platform delivers the same valuable city data across multiple platforms. All this information flows rapidly and securely, making Cary responsive and resilient.
D.C. Streamlines Criminal Trial Processes
Washington, D.C.’s Office of the Attorney General (OAG), meanwhile, uses the Content Cloud to streamline its criminal trial processes. Presently, OAG’s cloud serves as a central hub for attorneys and city staff to analyze and trade evidence. The platform thus pays major dividends, with employee productivity growing while strain on the District’s IT infrastructure decreases. The icing on the cake? After recently integrating artificial intelligence into its cloud, OAG began automatically detecting duplicate charges in vendor invoices. Automating this workflow ensures that vendors can’t double-charge the office, and it saves employees hours of manual processing.
Integration is the common thread between Cary’s and D.C.’s cloud platforms. In both cities, the Content Cloud empowers agencies to effortlessly enable access to the applications people and employees prefer. Each cloud collects its host city’s structured and unstructured data, creating one place for government data. The resulting data reservoir is a priceless asset for each city.
“People can work unhindered,”said Chris Weatherup, Manager, Solutions Engineering at Box. “And Box’s philosophy is to have content be as secure as possible and follow the regulatory compliance necessary to manage that content.”
This article is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent report, “Modern Solutions for the Public’s Rising CX Demands.” Download the full report here.

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