
Understanding Cybersecurity in Trump’s Budget

Concept illustration of a pie chart on a plate, one segment is served.

President Donald Trump’s executive order on cybersecurity signed in early May pushed for agencies to use certain standards for managing their cybersecurity. It acknowledged that federal agencies are struggling with data security, where most are using old systems that are easy cybercrime targets. Over the next few months, federal personnel will be busy analyzing the government’s cyber capabilities and risks and identifying solutions. You may be wondering what this means for your agency.

With the unveiling of Trump’s proposed 2018 budget, there are some answers. It is estimated federal spending on technology could reach $95 billion in 2018. One of the key aspects of Trump’s proposed budget focuses on boosting spending on federal IT and cybersecurity programs.

Here are some key cybersecurity initiatives, reforms and programs proposed in the budget.

A complete detail of the 2018 budget proposal can be found here.

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