Consider this scenario. A mid-career govie, who has spent a dozen years working for the same agency, slowly begins to realize that she is bored, restless, ready for a change. What she’s not ready for, though, is the job search. She has no idea what she’s looking for or how she should begin.
What advice would you offer her?
By now, we’ve all heard of the Great Resignation, the surge in people quitting their jobs and re-evaluating their careers as the pandemic winds down.
It’s a safe bet that countless members of the GovLoop community are pondering a change, and we’re hoping you can help us help them by sharing your insights and experiences.
Consider the following questions that our restless govie might have if she’s looking to find another job in government:
- How does she discern the right path?
- How does she avoid ending up in a job she would hate?
- How can she learn more about the available opportunities?
- Should she consider finding a career coach?
- Should she raise the issue with her current supervisor or another mentor in her current workplace?
- What are some steps she can take to position herself for a good position?
- What are some pitfalls she should avoid?
But what if she is looking to jump to the private sector? What does she need to know about that?
Don’t feel limited by those questions. We’re interested in any and all advice you might have. Please share your thoughts in the form below. We will keep your submissions anonymous.
Please use the form below to share your advice.
MktoForms2.loadForm(“//”, “231-DWB-776”, 10535);