
Your Cybersecurity Cheat Sheet

Usually, the conversation about cybersecurity emphasizes avoiding cheats and short cuts. Cybersecurity is something that every employee must be thorough about. However, convincing your agency to adopt an innovative, effective, and user-friendly cybersecurity strategy should not be as complex as an analytics algorithm. That’s why GovLoop has broken down the essentials for you.

Below you’ll find a cybersecurity cheat sheet, from our recent guide, Winning the Cybersecurity Battle (Download PDF or read “>here). This cheat sheet provides the key facts, survey data, and conversation starters you need to take the first steps toward the cybersecurity strategy your agency needs.

The information on our cheat sheet is just the beginning. If you would like a comprehensive guide to cybersecurity, check out the complete guide, “Winning the Cybersecurity Battle.” Our report includes:

With trends such as cloud computing, integrated IT systems and mobile technology becoming agency essentials, effective cybersecurity is imperative. Our guide has everything you need to fulfill this protocol and take your agency to the future.

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Thank you to our industry partners for sponsoring the GovLoop Report, Winning the Cybersecurity Battle. With any questions about this report, please reach out to Pat Fiorenza, Senior Research Analyst, at

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